Savvy Raghuvanshi
Systems Engineer
Harvard Class of 2022, CS + Math
Software Engineer
Since Jun 2022 | React, Typescript, Python, SQL
Farallon Capital Management
~ Built an internal platform (team of 4) to improve investment research and decision-making
Backend Lead and Systems Engineer
Aug 2020 — May 2022 | Go, Python, C/C++
Whist (now defunct)
~ Redesigned the distributed web backend for horizontal scalability and led a team of 5 to implement it over a period of three months
~ Architected, implemented, and maintained multiple core production backend services
Personal Projects
Since Apr 2017 | Shell, Go, Postgres, Node.js
Teaching Fellow for Systems Programming (CS 61)
Fall 2019 | Harvard University
Software Engineering Intern
May 2017 – June 2017 | Python, MongoDB
Harvard Clean Energy Project, Aspuru-Guzik Lab
Co-Captain of Powerlifting Team
Sept 2019 - Jan 2022 | Harvard University
Robert Fletcher Rogers Prize (link ↗)
2020 | Harvard Mathematics Department
Top 10% Placement
2016 | William Lowell Putnam Competition
International Silver Medal (link ↗)
2015 | Dongrun-Yau Science Awards in Mathematics
Alto: Lightweight VMs using Virtualization-aware Managed Runtimes
May 2019 – June 2020 | C/C++, Lua, Shell
Profs. Eddie Kohler and Minlan Yu, Harvard University
~ Integrated the PicoTCP↗ user-level networking stack into the Alto runtime, enabling fast snapshot and restore of VMs. Also added limited networking event-driven capabilities to Alto
~ Implemented seccomp system call filters to isolate client code. Significantly reduced the set of required system calls, exposing a tiny attack surface compared to Docker
~ Redesigned the Alto hypervisor so client code would no longer run with root privileges
FontBlocker Browser Extension
Oct 2019 – Feb 2020 | Javascript
Prof. James Mickens, Harvard University
~ Closed a font-based fingerprinting side channel in Google Chrome, improving both blocking performance and end-user experience compared to previous font-based fingerprinting blockers
Sharp Upper Estimate of Geometric Genus and Coordinate-Free Characterization of Isolated Homogeneous Hypersurface Singularities (link ↗)
Sept 2018 | Asian Journal of Mathematics Vol. 22, No. 4
New Results on Ramsey Multiplicity and Graph Commonality (link ↗)
July 2015 | Research Science Institute (RSI) at MIT
Harvard University
2022 | B.A., Computer Science, Mathematics Secondary
- Operating Systems
- Performance Engineering
- Security
- Compilers
- Quant Finance
- Distributed Systems